Feb 29Liked by Al Adlard

This is such a wonderful piece. I remember getting one of those "do you want to finish this draft" emails from Substack once — I dug deep into the settings to turn that off as quickly as I could. Anyway, I feel like I'm in exactly the same place as you right now, as far as everything feeling like too much, not being cut out for the digital world, etc. I feel spread thin, and I really loathe how these (digital) pressures are making me feel day-to-day. Reading your words here has been really helpful, though, so thank you. And as always, your photography is just stunning.

I'm also someone who has always been drawn to slow, to analog, to running in the opposite direction of the tech zeitgeist. But more and more these things are becoming impossible to ignore, and the way we share our art in 2024 is so lopsidedly digital anymore. And, like you, my need to create outweighs my desire for a simpler life of...not creating? I've tried to walk away from music at different times in my life, when things have become too much, but it's always there, calling me back. And I'm glad that it is, but the search for finding a healthy balance between the work itself and the sharing/marketing/promotion of the work is ongoing.

I feel rambly. Sorry. Lots of coffee. Little sleep.

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I think there's something so generous about the willingness to guide other humans along the path of a thought-trail. This one was especially interesting to me, as I really love a good cave tour. For a few minutes this morning, I was crawling along that crevice with you, needing to get out of there. Such a good piece of writing, Al. Thank you for it.

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Hahah oh man I have so many drafts started! I'm surprised I haven't received a letter from Substack about that. How rude of Substack to send you that reminder, yes indeed substack chill.

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Excellent shots, love the wolves. Found this via Fog Chaser's note. Subbed! Also, that draft reminder I switched off first thing, so silly Substack! 😅

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This piece really spoke to me. Especially your openness to wonder about how much growing you really want to do in internet spaces. Thank you for taking the time to consider these things

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Beautiful piece!

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Hola , Siempre Es Un Placer Enorme Leer Tú Fascinantes Relatos Y Ver Tus Magníficas Fotografías. Uno De Mis Días Más Felices En Mí Vida , Fue Cuando Pude Visitar El Primer Templo Del Arte Del Mundo: La Cueva De Altamira ( España ) , Fue Una Experiencia Única. Un Saludo. 1https://www.cultura.gob.es/mnaltamira/cueva-altamira/visita-a-la-cueva.html

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I so enjoyed this. Fascinating to read about the caves, and your reflections on claustrophobia, this slightly weird Internet world, and slow growth really resonate! Thank you.

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What a breath of fresh air this was to read (minus the part where I was made to imagine rock pressed into my chest AND back, ha!). My personal pace is naturally glacial, and for a long time I've existed in quite the push-pull with the many voices demanding 'faster! more! produce! it only works if you keep up the pace!'. But I take deep offence to there being one acceptable pace. Darkness and slowness have so much to offer, to teach, but both tend to require a deeply uncomfortable surrender, before they'll impart their wisdom. I so respect your using your voice as and when it feels called to sound. I expect the overall quality of words floating around would increase dramatically if doing so were the status quo! ❤️

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Please take care of yourself. If writing here isn‘t part of it, then take a break or stop doing it. It would make me sad though not to read from you anymore, but writing and sharing your photographs here shouldn‘t be a burden. The engagement on these platforms is always something I have to handle carefully. Too often, I find myself online way too much without ‚consuming‘ anything meaningful.

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